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This is where an introduction to the article goes, with an easily consumable explanation of the deck choices and matchups are synopsized.



Instant Land Creature Sorcery Enchantment
4x Brainstorm 2x Ash Barrens 3x Gurmag Angler 4x Careful Study 2x Dragon Breath
4x Daze 3x Dismal Backwater 2x Stinkweed Imp 4x Exhume
3x Mental Note 9x Island 4x Striped Riverwinder 1x Ideas Unbound
1x Muddle the Mixture 4x Swamp 3x Twisted Abomination 1x Taigam's Scheming
1x Piracy Charm 4x Ulamog's Crusher
1x Shred Memory


2x Annul 1x Aura Flux 1x Crypt Incursion
2x Hydroblast 2x Nihil Spellbomb 2x Rancid Earth
2x Shrivel 1x Spell Pierce 2x Stormbound Geist

Card Choices:

This is where the explanation of particularly abnormal/experimental card choices go:

Match Breakdown(s):

This is where the gameplay breakdown goes, match by match:


Final thoughts and insights go here:

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